Friday, May 22, 2009

Whatever happened to Zoot Suits?

I have avoided posting things about swimming, mainly because my target audience has little background on the subject, but not much background is needed to appreciate the vicious verbal attacks of some of swimming's most famous and (in some cases) respected people. A little background doesn't hurt though:

For the past year or so things have been escalating in the swimming world concerning the legality of the new suits, which are in some ways performance-enhancing. There is merit to both sides of the argument and far too many voices out there for me to have much to say on the subject.

Fred Bousquet is the fastest human in the water of all time, since he shattered the world record in France while wearing a suit that has since been deemed illegal by FINA (the international body that governs swimming).

Brett Hawke is the head swim coach at Auburn who coaches Bousquet and 4 of the top 16 fastest swimmers ever.

Craig Lord is an experienced and respected member of the swimming community who writes for

The Screaming Viking is just a strange observer of all things swimming.

This is an article posted on the Viking's blog.

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